June 24, 2022

Saint John

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My dear seeds.

The festival of the Sun has arrived!!!

We celebrate Saint John and the magical oil from it, this day, the longest of the year.

It is a festival of Light, nature explodes in colors, everything is activity, life and energy.

Here in Europe, the wheat is in full splendor and they celebrate the harvest.

Every year Yours Truly takes her team to cut wheat: the more we cut, the greater the abundance.

Here at Rose des Pyrenees we are eating Saint John pears, small and very good thanks to Robert who planted the tree a few years ago

Take this day as an opportunity

Universal for undoing fears, limitations, envy, jealousy, resentment, release the pain because if it remains, it becomes poison. ACCEPT that everything passes and that even the longest night is followed by a new dawn.

Sing, dance, collect the hypericum and prepare the Magic Oil, miraculous by the strength of your heart, by your intention and chakra 6.

Yours Truly invites you to do a meditation, if it is in a group, even better.

Prepare your pieces of paper: one where you will write everything that you discard "the old skin"; another piece of paper with projects, illusions, wishes, that forgiveness that you need to give, especially towards yourself. Burn it with all your faith and give the ashes to a plant.

I love you my seeds and I am very proud of you, because I know that you carry in your hands the Divine Light, which is expressed every time you offer 5 minutes.

Every time you open your heart you give strength to the Light, to the Straight path and the awakening that this Teaching has offered you since your first course.

Celebrate life, celebrate light, of the world.

With all my love,

La Jardinera

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