🎧 Listen to the original voice message from La Jardinera
My dear seeds,
Today we are going to share something very nice! You will answer: “they are all sweet”, but this one is very funny.
In the middle of the sea there was a little wave, small! Tiny! She was playing! jumping! And was so happy! So happy! That she didn't even have time to rest because every time she jumped more! Laughed more! And she was with all her other friends, it was full of waves, but the little ones, and she was the smallest, the nicest!
She was always smiling, she was always content, happy, she always jumped and played with the dolphins, when they arrived, she pretended to be calm and when they got closer, ping! She would jump, and then she would jump on their face, on the nose and they would laugh and the dolphins would say: again! This little wave is playing with us and we haven't seen her coming.
And that's how they played, with the dolphins, they played with everything, precious, she was precious, lovely, lovely.
And like this with all the waves, one day she got closer, but still from some distance, to the shore and there were many rocks, many rocks! And she said: oh, what's going on there? And then she saw that the waves were getting closer and they were small, but as they got closer they were getting bigger, bigger and when they reached the shore they crashed one against the rock, the other against the sand and dissolved, and it was undone, they disappear, they were disappearing!
And she was afraid and running, she ran away and said: it can't be, there has to be a solution, we can't end like this, I want to continue playing, I want to continue to be happy, I don't want to crash like my sisters and all the family that crashes, and then being there with all the small, tiny, medium waves, they were and they approached and said: why are you laughing!?
Because of course they were all laughing and there was one who smiled more,
Why are you laughing?! Why are you laughing?! Don't laugh?! Don't laugh!
One of the waves says:
- but what's wrong, little wave?, but what's wrong, pretty wave? But what's wrong with you? we have never seen you like this.
- You don't know! When you get closer to the shore, you are going to explode, you will crash against the reefs, you will crash against the sand, you will crash and then you disappear! And I don't want to! I don't want to!
Then this wave approached her and she said: "wave, pretty wave, come here, I'll explain, come with me."
And then she took her, near where all the waves were, going out of the sea, she says:
- you see them?
- Yeah!
- But look at them, what do you see?
- They're crashing and disappearing!
- Well, do you see how they collide? What you call disappearing is that when they all collide they merge, and become an ocean, they are all united! look at them, they have all collided, they have all come undone, but they have come together! And they have all made the ocean, which is immensity!
What are you? A small wave that plays and jumps, but what are all of us here? The ocean! It is the immensity, all together and all together we are an immensity and that is what makes us great! The immensity! It's the same as when you're in a group, it's the same as when you're together, sometimes we have a lot of friends!
Because we are at a big party with 100, 200 gathered, what is it? That's an ocean, that's the intensity, see? What you are afraid of is called greatness and love, but never, never think that you are going to disappear, but on the contrary, you grow and help the other waves grow and then you become an ocean.
The little wave smiled and said: I hadn't understood, I was only short-sighted, only with my narrow thinking, with a future so narrow, so small, that I didn't want to see, that if you see the whole sea, it's so big, which is the intensity, it is the greatest thing there is.
What beauty! And she already began to jump and laugh, and already told them to come all!
let's unite and grow
This teaches us that many times we are afraid when we are alone, but if we are a great union or a great mass, or a very large group, we can be an immensity and that is where our vision has to be, our future, our project, to see it. big, far, immense to do it!
Thought, word and deed,
And with all my love,
Your Jardinera